Discover schedules for 6 modules!

All times are to be considered in Belgian time, i.e. GMT+1 until 26/03/2023 (winter time).

1. Setting the scene : drug development in context 


19-01-2023 14:00-17:00

2. Integrated product development : from discovery phase to market authorization


20-01-2023 14:00-17:00

3. Drug screening : from animals to recombinant proteins and translational research 

3.1 Animal testing : current use, ethical and regulatory aspects, limitations and alternative approaches


24-01-2023 14:00-17:00

3.2 High Troughput Screening : setting-up of new functional assays, robustness, troughput and assays quality


02-02-2023 14:00-17:00

3.3 Systems biology and translational research

Benjamin DIZIER

09-02-2023 14:00-17:00

4. Big Data and personalized medicine : can AI reinvent drug design and development?


10-02-2023 15:00-18:00

14-02-2023 15:00-18:00

16-02-2023 15:00-18:00

WORKSHOP (Assignment 1) : Big data, AI and healthcare environment

Bruno JOSSO et Sarah AMRANI

07-03-2023 15:00-18:00

    All times are to be considered in Belgian time, i.e. GMT+1 UNTIL 26/03/2023 (winter time).

    1. Non-clinical strategies and Study design 

    Jean-Pierre VALENTIN

    09-03-2023 14:00-17:00   

    2. Pre-clinical safety  : Principles of pharmacology and toxicology 

    2.2.1 Non-clinical testing for chemical and biological compounds, including Pharmacology (ADME)

    Denis GOSSEN 

    14-03-2023 14:00-17:00  

    2.2.2 The right dose for first-in-human administration

    Denis GOSSEN   

    17-03-2023 14:00-17:00

    2.2.3 Toxicology testing (Part I)

    General toxicology for new chemical entities –  Annick CAUVIN 

    – Genotoxicity – Helga GERETS 

    23-03-2023 14:00-17:00

    2.2.4 Toxicology testing (Part II)

    Preclinical safety: Secondary and safety pharmacology – Annie DELAUNOIS

    – Safety evaluation of Biologicals – Annick CAUVIN

    24-03-2023 14:00-17:00


    All times are to be considered in Belgian time, i.e. GMT+2 FROM 26/03/2023 (summer time).

    2.2.5 Genetic and genomic factors in drug development and response


    30-03-2023 14:00-17:00

    2.2.6 Novel approaches in investigative toxicology

    Reiner CLASS

    06-04-2023 14:00-17:00  

    2.2.7 Computational Toxicology Methods for Prediction of Preclinical Safety Endpoints

    Lennart ANGER

    18-04-2023 14:00-15:30

    3. Drug formulation 

    2.3.1 Main aspects of Drug formulation & Concept of drug bioavailability

    Jonathan GOOLE 

    27-04-2023 14:00-17:00

    2.3.2 Non-conventional dosage forms & Nanotechnologies for Drug delivery

    Jonathan GOOLE

    28-04-2023 14:00-17:00

    4. Manufacturing  

    2.4.1 Pharmaceutical technical development & Quality Management System


    23-05-2023 14:00-17:00

    2.4.2 GMPs and required structures in manufacturing & Inspection-operating environment


    26-05-2023 14:00-17:00

    5. Moving to First-in-Human studies

    2.5.1 Ethics in the Pharmaceutical Industry

    Ingrid KLINGMANN 

    08-06-2023 14:00-17:00

    2.5.2 Requirements, ethics and regulations for first-in-Human studies

    Ingrid KLINGMANN 

    09-06-2023 14:00-17:00

    2.5.3 Accelerating the move to clinical trials (computer assisted modelling on the way of proof of concept)

    Hatice ALDEMIR 

    16-06-2023 14:00-17:00

    2.5.4 Strategic importance, design and practical organization of Phase I studies

    Nariné BARIRIAN 

    21-09-2023 14:00-17:00

    WORKSHOP (Assignment 2) : 3D Printing in Pharmaceutics

    Hatice ALDEMIR & Jonathan GOOLE 

    23-06-2023 14:00-17:00

    All times are to be considered in Belgian time, i.e. GMT+2 UNTIL 29/10/2023 (summer time).

    1. Early studies in patients

    3.1.1  Pharmacokinetics : basic concepts and applications

    Nariné BARIRIAN 

    28-09-2023 14:00-17:00

    3.1.2  Drug metabolism : drug-drug interaction studies

    Nariné BARIRIAN

    29-09-2023 13:30-16:30

    3.1.3  Special PK topics : Multiple dose PK, Influence of hepatic and renal impairments on drug PK, bioavailability and bioequivalence, PK/PD analysis

    Nariné BARIRIAN

    03-10-2023 14:00-17:00

    2. Clinical Trials Designs

    3.2.1 Different types of clinical trials study designs

    Nariné BARIRIAN

    06-10-23 14:00-17:00

    3.2.2 Randomisation modes

    Giovanni BRIGANTI

    12-10-23  14:00-17:00

    3.2.3  Statistical aspects in the planning of clinical trials

    Giovanni BRIGANTI

    13-10-23  17:00-20:00

    3.2.4 Innovative study designs

    Giovanni BRIGANTI

    24-10-23  17:00-19:00

    3. Planning and managing clinical trials

    3.3.1 GCP requirements and regulatory aspects

    Ingrid KLINGMANN  

    19-10-2023 14:00-17:00


    All times are to be considered in Belgian time, i.e. GMT+1 FROM 29/10/2023 (winter time).

    3.3.2 Confirmatory Clinical Development Plan and Target Product Profile (TTP)

    Ingrid KLINGMANN 

    09-11-2023 14:00-16:00

    3.3.3  Setting up a clinical trial (Part I)

    Jonathan LETTANY 

    10-11-2023 14:00-17:00

    3.3.4  Setting up a clinical trial (Part II)

    Jonathan LETTANY 

    14-11-2023 14:00-17:00

    3.3.5  Monitoring safety in clinical trials and Drug development

    Jonathan LETTANY 

    23-11-2023 14:00-17:00

    3.3.6 Development Risk Management Plan & Risk-based and remote monitoring in clinical trials

    Ingrid KLINGMANN 

    24-11-2023 14:00-17:00

    3.3.7  Patient centric approach in clinical resarch : Ethics, involvement and collaboration

    P. MIQUEU 

    Course postponed to 2024

    3.3.9 Audits of clinical trials

    Ingrid KLINGMANN

    08-12-2023 14:00-17:00

    4. Gathering data from clinical trials

    3.4.1 Procedures for clinical data collection and data management

    Marc ELSLEY

    12-12-2023 14:00-17:00

    3.4.2 Patient adherence and persistence in trials : uptake of mobile health, e-tools, big data analysis and personnalized medicine

    Hatice ALDEMIR   

    14-12-2023 14:00-17:00

    5. Blockchain in Clinical trials

    Science-fiction or science-fact ?

    Cases for blockchain applications in clinical trials

    Barriers and challenges yet to be overcome

    Olivier SIMON, Christophe VAN HUFFEL & Ingrid VAN ROMPAEY  

    19-12-2023 14:00-17:00

    WORKSHOP (Assignment 3) : How and Why Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) are new disruptive approaches in the Clinical Trials Industry ?

    Olivier SIMON & Christophe VAN HUFFEL

    21-12-2023 14:00-17:00

    All times are to be considered in Belgian time, i.e. GMT+1 UNTIL31/03/2024 (winter time).

    1. Clinical Trial Protocol and Investigator Drug Brochure (IDB)

    4.1.1  Clinical trial protocol : a key document – Reading & understanding clinical trial protocols

    Ludo HAAZEN 

    16-01-2024 14:00-17:00

    18-01-2024 14:00-17:00

    4.1.2  Role of the nvestigator Drug Brochure (IDB) – Regulatory codes and guidance for authoring the IDB

    Ludo HAAZEN

    19-01-2024 14:00-17:00

    2. Biostatistics : evaluating clinical data

    4.2.1  Statistical methods in clinical research (Part I) : Probability distributions and descriptive statistics

    Giovanni BRIGANTI 

    23-01-2024 14:00-17:00

    4.2.2  Statistical methods in clinical research (Part II) : Statistical models

    Giovanni BRIGANTI 

    01-02-2024 14:00-17:00

    4.2.3 Statistical methods in clinical research (Part III) : Inferential statistics

    Giovanni BRIGANTI

    02-02-2024 14:00-17:00

    4.2.4 Statistical methods in clinical research (Part IV) : Epidemiological methods

    Giovanni BRIGANTI

    15-02-2024 14:00-17:00

    4.2.5  Statistical methods in clinical research (Part V) : Principles of machine learning

    Giovanni BRIGANTI 

    16-02-2024 14:00-17:00

    3. Evaluating safety data

    4.3.1 Methods for the evaluation of safety data in clinical trials

    Isabelle LAUGEL

    20-02-2024 14:00-17:00

    4.2.2  Background and implementation of Development Safety Update Reports (DSUR) & Data Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMB)

    Isabelle LAUGEL

    23-02-2024 14:00-17:00

    4. Data interpretation and scientific writing

    4.4.1 Different aspects of clinical study reports and conclusions in writing

    Xavier DRUART

    15-03-2024 14:00-17:00

    4.4.2 Writing a paper for publication

    Submitting to peer-reviewed journal, handling the reviewers’ comments

    Luise KALBE 

    21-03-2024 14:00-17:00

    WORKSHOP (Assignment 4) : Critical reading of a scientific paper on Biostatistics

    Giovanni BRIGANTI

    26-03-2024 14:00-17:00

    All times are to be considered in Belgian time, i.e. GMT+2 FROM 01/04/2024 (summer time).

    1. Drug registration

    5.1.1 Drug registration : European procedures and the international environment (I)

    Overview of the regulatory environment and medicine registration in the EU

    Stéphane CALLEWAERT 

    11-04-2024 14:00-17:00

    5.1.2 Drug registration : European procedures and international environment (II)

    Comparison with requirements under the US FDA and Japanese authorities

    Comparison with requirements in international and emerging markets

    Stéphane CALLEWAERT 

    12-04-2024 14:00-16:00

    5.1.3 Preparation of a new drug application – The Common Technical Document (CTD)

    Stéphane CALLEWAERT 

    16-04-2024 15:30-17:30

    5.1.4 Drug registration – Special issues (orphan products)

    Tim LEEST

    19-04-2024 14:00-16:00

    3. Pharmacoepidemiology

    5.3.1 Principles of pharmacoepidemiology

    Nicolas PRAET

    16-05-2024 14:00-17:00

    5.3.2  Study methods and data resources

    Nicolas PRAET

    23-05-2024 14:00-17:00

    5.3.3  Interpretating pharmacoepidemiological data – Role of pharmacoepidemiology in a medicinal product’s lifecycle

    Nicolas PRAET

    24-05-2024 14:00-17:00

    2. Pharmacovigilance and Medical information

    5.2.4 Overview of Patient Support ProgramS (PSPS) – Recent trends in Pharmacovigilance

    Nathalie LAMBOT   

    28-05-2024 14:00-17:00

    5.2.5  Medical information : communicating with healthcare practitioners – Summary of product characteristics and user package leaflet

    Marc CZARKA

    30-05-2024 14:00-17:00

    5.2.1  Back to basics in Pharmacovigilance


    04-06-2024 14:00-17:00

    5.2.2  EU regulations and Guidelines in Pharmacovigilance


    07-06-2024 14:00-17:00

    5.2.3 Everyday Pharmacovigilance


    14-06-2024 14:00-17:00

    WORKSHOP (Assignment 5) : Anticipating future regulatory challenges

    Marc CZARKA & Olivier FONTAINE   

    27-06-2024 14:00-17:00

    All times are to be considered in Belgian time, i.e. GMT+2 UNTIL 27/10/2024 (summer time).

    1. Principles and practical applications of health Economics

    6.1.1 Health economics assessment of medicinal products :

    Study quality concept and methods used to assess quality

    Health technology assessment

    Hilde STEVENS
    12-09-2024 14:00-17:00

    6.1.2 Interpreting cost-effectiveness – Patient reported outcomes

    How the economic assessment affects market access ?

    Hilde STEVENS

    13-09-2024 14:00-17:00

    6.1.3 Pricing and social security coverage of medicinal products (overview, issues and challenges in EU)

    Marc CZARKA 

    19-09-2024 14:00-17:00

    6.1.3 Real world data and Real world evidence

    David FONTAINE & Joachim MORRENS 

    2. Market access

    6.2.1 Ethical and legal aspects & Pricing and social security coverage of medicinal products (overview, issues and challenges in EU)

    Marc CZARKA
    01-10-2024 14:00-17:00  

    6.2.2 Macroeconomic aspects

    Olivier ETHGEN

    6.2.3 Pharmaceutical marketing (I)

    1. Pharma/Biotech : the Belgian environment

    2. The role of the product manager

    Yohan HEYLEN   

    6.2.3 Pharmaceutical marketing (II)

    1. Pharmaceutical life cycle management

    2. Biotech vs Big Pharma : business models

    3. Pharma future

    Yohan HEYLEN   

    6.2.4 Regulatory environment and market access in emerging markets

    Hugues MALONNE   

    All times are to be considered in Belgian time, i.e. GMT+1 FROM 27/10/2024 (winter time).

    3. Innovation and improvment of health care

    6.3.1 Which new products are truly innovative ?

    Yves HORSMANS  

    6.3.2 Health databases for innovation and improving health care ?

    Yves HORSMANS  

    3. WORKSHOP (Assignment 6)

    Olivier ETHGEN